A new study published in Science Advances reveals the earliest direct evidence of people using cannabis for its psychoactive effects. This discovery comes from the analysis of artifacts found in a 2,500-year-old cemetery in Central Asia.
Previously, archaeologists had found cannabis seeds and plants at archaeological sites from this region, but it wasn’t clear if they were used for getting high or for other purposes. This new research provides much stronger evidence for cannabis use as a drug.
The Burning Bowls of Jirzankal
Researchers examined 10 wooden bowls found at Jirzankal Cemetery on the Pamir Plateau in western China. These bowls contained heated stones, suggesting they were used as braziers for burning incense or other plant material. Chemical analysis revealed that nine out of ten bowls contained cannabis residue.
Not Just Any Hemp
Interestingly, the cannabis found at Jirzankal was different from cannabis discovered at another nearby cemetery, Jiayi. The Jirzankal cannabis contained traces of THC, the psychoactive compound in marijuana, while the Jiayi cannabis lacked THC and was likely used for hemp fiber and seeds.
High Altitude Cultivation or Selective Breeding?
The researchers aren’t sure exactly why the Jirzankal cannabis contained THC. It’s possible that people in the area cultivated strains that grew naturally at high altitudes, which can have higher THC content. Alternatively, they may have been selectively breeding cannabis plants for their psychoactive effects.
Inhaling the Fumes
This discovery also provides evidence for how ancient people might have consumed cannabis. While no smoking pipes were found, there are historical accounts describing people inhaling cannabis smoke from burning plant material.
A Long History of Human-Cannabis Interaction
This study adds to the growing body of evidence that humans have been using and manipulating cannabis for thousands of years. The discovery highlights our deep connection with the plants around us and how we may have influenced their evolution.